It’s Always Christmas Morning In The Electric Football Wishbook!

<img alt="Electric Football Wishbook cover and sample pages">We’re excited to announce that our Electric Football Wishbook  is scheduled for publication on Tuesday, October 17!

Here are five more fun facts to know about the first-ever compilation of Electric Football Christmas catalog pages!

Five Wishbook Facts

1) The Wishbook includes pages from all the major retailers who sold games during Electric Football’s “Golden Age.”

2) That means it’s packed with colorful Christmas images from Sears, Montgomery Ward, J.C. Penney, Alden’s, and more.

3) And all these different retailer images create a concise evolution of the game’s history.

4) Clearly showing the game’s rise to “Featured Toy”status.

5) As a result, the Wishbook lets you experience those long cherished Christmas morning memories with every turn of the page.

We think the Wishbook is the Ultimate Electric Football “Dream Catcher.” That’s because the variety of games and images captured on its pages surpass anything we’ve done before.

Even though none of these pages are new, the Wishbook offers a new and exciting way to “see” them. It’s like a brand new Electric Football History playbook!

We promise to keep you updated as out the publication date gets closer!


Earl, Roddy, & MK


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