Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown — No. 1

Our Electric Football Top 20 Countdown concludes with Game No. 1 — the 1967 Tudor NFL No. 620 with the Browns and Giants. There are more colorful Electric Football games, there are more elaborate Electric Football games, and as we’ve seen … Continue reading

Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown — No. 3

The Electric Football Game Countdown moves down to game No. 3 – the 1970 Tudor No. 633 Super Bowl. This game is a landmark in both toy and Electric Football history. In terms of visibility and economics, it may have … Continue reading

Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown – No. 4

The Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown continues with one of the “grandest” games ever commercially produced at No. 4 — the 1972 Munro Day/Nite Electric Football game. The Day/Nite game story really begins in the 1960’s, when Tudor and … Continue reading

Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown – No. 6

Our Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown hits No 6 this week…the 1967 Sears’ exclusive Tudor NFL No. 613 There are so many iconic pieces to this game, it’s hard to know where to start. The easiest place is the … Continue reading

Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown — No. 7

Our Electric Football Top 20 Countdown moves on to game No. 7… the 1962 Tudor Sports Classic No. 600. Despite not having any NFL licensing, the No. 600 is one of the most important games in all of Electric Football. … Continue reading

Electric Football Top 20 Countdown — No. 8

Our Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown moves further into the single digits with No. 8 — the 1968 Tudor AFL No. 520. The No. 520 holds the distinction of being the ONLY official AFL Electric Football game ever made. … Continue reading

Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown – No. 9

The Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown moves forward with No. 9 — the 1969 Gotham Joe Namath G-812 Electric Football Game. In 1969 the New York Jets shocked the football world by defeating the heavily favored Baltimore Colts in … Continue reading

Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown – No. 10

The Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown continues at No. 10. Over the last couple of weeks the countdown has been filled with some of the most colorful and elaborate models in Electric Football history. This week, as we reach … Continue reading

Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown – No. 11

The ranking of this game at No. 11 caused some controversy the first time around. We agree, that this is one of coolest and best looking games that Tudor ever made. It’s at the top of any Electric Football “Must-Have” … Continue reading

Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown – No. 12

Our Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown continues…at No. 12 it’s the 1970 Tudor AFC No. 610.  Part of the No. 610’s appeal comes from it being the first large AFC game. But what really makes this game special is … Continue reading

Electric Football Top 20 Countdown – No. 13 Gotham NFL Big Bowl

Our Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown continues…at No. 13 it’s the Sears-exclusive Gotham NFL Big Bowl 1503-S. The Gotham NFL Big Bowl could make our Top 20 Countdown on just a single reason — it was the game that … Continue reading

Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown – No. 14

At No. 14 on our Electric Football Top Countdown is the 1967-69 Tudor NFL No. 510 model with the Colts and Packers. How significant was the NFL No. 510 in Electric Football history? Tudor put the game on the cover … Continue reading

Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown – No. 15

At No. 15 on the Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown is the 1970 Montgomery Ward No. 627 model.  After watching with envy as the the 1969 Sears Super Bowl game became one of the most popular items in Electric … Continue reading

Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown – No. 16

Our Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown continues with the 1971 Coleco Command Control Electric Action Football 5795 at No. 16. Coleco had a strong Electric Football debut in 1970, despite having boxes with thinly disguised Tudor Electric Football players on … Continue reading

Electric Football Game To 20 Countdown – No. 19

Fifty year ago in 1966 Tudor didn’t have the NFL, and were actually in the process of trying to convince NFL Properties that they were worthy of the NFL. It was a tall order. Current NFL licensee Gotham was heading … Continue reading

Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown – No. 20

Coming in at No. 20 on The Unforgettable Buzz Electric Football Game Top 20 Countdown is the 1976 Sears NFL Super Bowl featuring the Steelers and the Cowboys. While a “small” Sears Super Bowl may not seem like an ideal … Continue reading

Electric Football Toy Hall Of Fame Countdown

What an exciting time it is to have Tudor Games Electric Football be one of the 12 finalists for the National Toy Hall of Fame. That means right at this very moment the 23 members of the National Selection Committee … Continue reading

Electric Football A 2018 Toy Hall of Fame Finalist

Tudor Electric Football A Toy Hall of Fame Finalist! It’s gratifying to hear that Tudor Electric Football is one of the Top 12 Finalists for the Toy Hall of Fame in 2018. This honor is well earned and well deserved — … Continue reading

Remembering Electric Football Inventor Norman Sas

Six Years Since The Passing Of Norman Sas It’s hard to believe that it’s been six years since Electric Football inventor and former Tudor President Norman Sas passed away. The memory of the day is still incredibly fresh, even six … Continue reading

Happy 5th Anniversary For The Unforgettable Buzz!

Happy 5th Anniversary For The Unforgettable Buzz! Five years ago today The Unforgettable Buzz was published!! We’re so proud. The success of the first book ever written about Electric Football has succeeded beyond our wildest expectations. And we’re humbled that so … Continue reading