Electric Football Timeline 1968 – An AFL Game

Electric Football Tudor AFL 520 model Jets Chiefs

The AFL Gets Electric Football Respect

Tudor expanded their Electric Football line to include an Official AFL game in 1968. The AFL No. 520 model came with the Kansas City Chiefs and the New York Jets, with the Jets being the only AFL team that Tudor ever offered in a white jersey uniform.

Electric Football 1968 Tudor AFL 520 Game Jets vs Chiefs NFL

Featuring the AFL seemed like the natural thing to do, as Tudor’s NFL line had proved so popular that the company sold out all of its NFL games and many of its mail order NFL teams in 1967.

Electric Football in 1968 - Tudor NFL and AFL teams Sears Christmas catalog

There was also good news from NFL Properties. Tudor NFL Electric Football had been one of the league’s top money earning items.

Electric Football 1968 Ward Christmas Catalog Tudor NFL

Norman Sas wasn’t totally surprised. He knew from the multitude of re-stocking requests that Tudor received during the fall of 1967 that the NFL concept was popular. More popular than even he dared to imagine.


Earl & Roddy

To learn more about Electric Football, please check out The Unforgettable BuzzElectric Football Wishbook, and Full Color Electric Football!

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