Electric Football Timeline 1972 Pt. II – Tudor, Coleco, and Gotham

Electric Football 1972 Timeline Tudor Coleco

A Battle For Toy Buyers

With four different companies making Electric Football games, catalog space and toy store shelf space was becoming scarce. The problem was so serious that by summer there would only be three Electric Football makers left, as the ever ambitious Munro Games absorbed Gotham.

Electric Football 1972 Sears Christmas catalog

Sears offered Tudor, Coleco, and Munro Electric Football space in its 1972 Christmas Wish Book. Tudor had the most real estate – all of it in color – while Munro also got a color page. While Coleco was relegated to black and white.

Electric Football 1972 Montgomery Ward Christmas catalog

Ward was totally Tudor with two Ward-specific models. J.C. Penney went with Coleco Command Control as its featured game, including a Coleco model with legs. Spiegel also favored Coleco’s Electric line.

Electric Football 1972 Coleco JC Penney

Electric Football 1972 Christmas ads

Electric Football was everywhere at Christmas, with both Sears and Ward putting large Tudor games in their ads. And there were a lot of ads in 1973. Electric Football’s profile had never been higher.


Earl & Roddy

To learn more about Electric Football, please check out The Unforgettable BuzzElectric Football Wishbook, and Full Color Electric Football!

ELectric Football Book The Unforgettable Buzz order now button

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