Electric Football’s Golden 50-Yard Line

By now we’ve all noticed the gold 50-yard line numbers being used by the NFL. The league is doing this to honor the upcoming 50th Super Bowl game, since 50 years, at least in marriage terms, is known as the “Golden Anniversary.” That got us to thinking…does any Electric Football game have a golden 50-yard line?

The first game that comes to mind is Tudor’s 1968-69 AFL No. 520 model. It has orange yard lines lithographed on its field, including an orange 50-yard line. That’s close, but not quite right.

AFL Photo 2

An orange 50-yard line on the Tudor AFL No. 520 game.

Next we thought of the 1970-72 Tudor AFC No. 610 model. This game used an orange and red theme to designate the AFC, and had gold field numbers that were outlined in red. A nice look, but again, that’s not quite it. (The photo below is our Ward No. 627 — it used the same field as the No. 610.)

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But there is one Electric Football game that does have a gold 50-yard line. The numbering is actually white, but the “50” is outlined in gold. And only the 50-yard line outlined in gold. The other numbers on the field alternate between blue outlined even numbers, and red outlined odd numbers. Sound familiar? As a hint, this game finished at No. 3 on our Top 20 Countdown.

It’s the 1970 Sears Tudor Super Bowl.

1970 SB Koff

EF Gold 50

Does Electric Football ever cease to be amazing? We’ll have more previews from our Full Color Electric Football™ book on Friday. In the meantime, stay tuned…


Earl, Roddy, and MK

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