Images From The Unforgettable Buzz In ESPN’s Documentary

Our Joe Namath photo being animated in Errol Moriss' ESPN Electric Football documentary.

Our Joe Namath photo being animated in Errol Moriss’ ESPN Electric Football documentary.

Electric Football has never seen anything quite like Errol Morris’ recent ESPN documentary. We were proud to be an integral part of the project, providing 16 images that made it into the film’s final cut.

We make our entrance at the 0:42 mark, with a collage of turning pages from The Unforgettable Buzz. This graphic included, in order, pages 74, 15, 82, 138, 79, and 76 from our book.

page from The Unforgettable Buzz that appears in the ESPN Electric Football documentary

Page 79 from The Buzz in ESPN’s “The Subterranean Stadium.” Our caption is visible.

Next up were a series of Electric Football game boxes, which included eight images from The Unforgettable Buzz web page.

The Munro Day/Nite box with out watermark on it!

A Munro Day Nite Game from the ESPN Documentary with our watermark

Check out this image from the ESPN Electric Football documentary — our watermark is still on the box (bottom right corner).

Then at the 3:37 mark, page 15 of The Unforgettable Buzz appears. This page has the 1961 Gotham Rule Book on it, and the comic-like images of the Rule Book receive a nice bit of animation showing how the grandstand would be assembled.

Page 15 from our book The Unforgettable Buzz as seen in ESPN documentary

Page 15 from The Buzz, coming to life in the documentary.

Finally, just a few seconds later, our 1969 Gotham Joe Namath game shows up shows up with some very cool animation of the grandstand setting up…all by itself!

1969 Gotham Joe Namath Electric Football Game

Our Gotham Joe Namath photo that was brought to life in ESPN’s Electric Football documentary. (See top photo.)

It was thrilling to have an Academy Award-winning filmmaker consider our artwork to be good enough for his documentary. And it was totally stunning to watch all our images go by and see the wonderful end credit for The Unforgettable Buzz. As we’ve said all along, it was a complete honor to be part of The Subterranean Stadium.

Credit for The Unforgettable Buzz at the end of the ESPN documentary.

The great credit we received at the end of the film.

This gives us great confidence as we move forward with Full Color Electric Football. If our art is good enough for an Errol Morris documentary we must be doing something right!


Earl, Roddy, and MK

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