Electric Football’s Paper Trail

1) Gotham’s coach gives assembly instructions for the NFL G-1500

Electric Football has many nooks and crannies for aficionados to dive into. One of our favorite sections, and one that is a bit under appreciated, is Electric Football’s long and intriguing paper trail.

2) A 1962 warning from Tudor – once they’re together, don’t pull them apart.

This fascination with paper probably owes a lot to growing up during a time when afternoons were contentedly spent looking at sports magazines and comic books in the local newsstand. Just park your bike out front and enter another world – or at least until you got the 10 minute warning:

“Hey kid, are you going to buy something or not?”

Then the smartass of the group would plop down two cents for two pieces of Bazooka Joe. We’d usually leave with something to read, even if it was just a pack of cards (Baseball, Football, Wacky Packs…whatever).

So old paper, even just handling it, brings back a special feeling. And the Electric Football paper we’re specifically referring to is the stuff that came in our games and orders. Of course there are the Tudor Rule Books, some of most special paper in all of Electric Football. But we love the more obscure stuff, the things that were easily ignored and discarded by an 9-year-old totally fixated on getting his game up and running.

3) From Tudor in 1968…sorry kid, you didn’t get those white Jets

Examples we have:

1) Gotham’s “coach” instructing on how to assemble the NFL G-1500.

2) 1962 warning from Tudor that the new Gorilla players are designed for permanent assembly (of course kids took them apart anyway).

3) A Tudor note apologizing for not including the teams you expected – actually, this was one piece of paper we did pay attention too.

4) 1970 instructions from Coleco for putting together their scoreboard and grandstand.

5) A Coleco order form for “World of Sports” Pro Stars posters.

While our Tudor NFL Rule Books got put in a special place for further study, this type of paper usually ended up in the trash can. Which is why we now find them a priceless window to a different time.

We hope everyone has a fantastic and Holiday Weekend…“Hey kid, are you done writing this blog yet?” 


Earl & Roddy

5) Coleco posters – did anyone actually order one?

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